Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

Just Some Things

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There's been many things happened this past years and let me tell you. First, I meet my first love -well it's not actually a meeting- I just got connected to him again. Somehow he send me a text, it's unexpected of course but I'm really really happy. We still contact each other, and no he's helping me out about my sister. Call me crazy for saying that it's a fate, but I really think it is. I mean, he suddenly appeared in my life and somehow my sister is going to the same intuition with him. It's amazing right? But there's something that I'm actually worried about. I want to meet him, really want but I don't know, it makes me nervous just to think about it. Just what if he doesn't like me, what if he disappointed. I'm lacking in everything, the most unwanted woman to be girlfriend in the world. Ah, I want to throw up. And now, here I am, busy preparing my self for that moment that maybe will never happened. Second, guess who get 3.54 credit? Yeah, that's me. I don't really know why I got that point because I don't think I did good in my last exam, but yeah we never know what will happened. Thanks Allah for all the blessings that You give me. Another bless I'm asking You is, please let me pass the scholarship audition, I really need that. Amen The last, ah I hate to talk about it because I never want to be this thing, not even in my dream. You know what, I'm the LEADER now. I hate that from the bottom of my heart, it's really not suited me. I don't like to take all the responsibility, I don't like to be pressured, I don't like to be the center, I just hate that leading thing so much. I hope it will end soon, really soon.

Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

UAS Side Effect

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RL check Math check Algo check Akhirnya selese juga nih pelajaran dewa. Perjuangan banget ngerjainnya apalagi sistem yg gue anut sistem sks, bayangin aja perjuangan banget kan? Yang penting gue udah ngerjain sebisa dan sesanggup gue, hasilnya? Pasrah aja deh, banyakin doa aja deh -_- But it's not finish yet, UAS still in progress. Besok masih ada 2 pelajaran dewa lain yang nunggu, the peek of UAS and also the last. Wish nya bisa nyelesain awal tahun dengan nilai IP yg minimal bisa buat orang tua gue senyum. Aamiin #Abaikan postingan ini, efek UAS

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Not All, Actually !

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Males banget,sumpah ! Ngomong kok seenak'y :/ tanya dulu yang jelas,baru ngomong. Lagian kalian pikir kalian ga egois? Pengen dibantu wktu kalian ga bisa tapi ga mau ngebantu orang lain >< yang ngomong,yang memproklamirkan 'kerjasama' dan 'kekompakan' itu sapa sih? Ga usah sok bossy deh jadi orang,mau ngmong ampe kpn pun kalo kalian ga konsekuen ga bakalan ada yang ngargain kalian. Mimpi apa sih gue, punya temen kok gini semua. Ya udahlah ya, buat semua anak2 'GYNERY' makan tu kompak!!!!

Kamis, 15 November 2012

Kisah Langit dan Mentari

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Bintang... Masihkah kau disana? Masihkah kau mau mendengar kerinduanku akan langit? Bintang... Dimanakah langitku? Hilangkah? Atau ia telah menemukan mentarinya yang lain? Bintang... Tahukah ia aku merindukannya? Tahukah ia aku adalah mentarinya? Bintang... Katakan padanya Katakan pada langitku Mentari sangat merindukannya Bintang... Kini aku tahu Tenyata aku salah Tak ada mentari yang lain Karena sesungguhnya yang langit rindukan adalah pagi Bukan mentari How's it? My first poem in high school :)

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012


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Yeah that's right. I don't understand about my self now, losing my focus, turn into another person and I become more lazy. What's wrong with me? Capek, ngerasa ga puas ama diri sendiri. Kayanya tiap apa yg gw lakuin ga pernah ada bnernya. It's like I become more worst. Jadi ngerasa desperate. Udah pesimis banget. But Mom said to be optimistic. Cuma butuh usaha lebih aja. Lagi pula dg ini gw jd tau kalo gw ga bleh takabur, gw jd tau kemampuan yg laen ky gmn dan kayanya passion gw buat masuk tu PTN lebih gede dr desperate feel yg gw rasain. So just believ in my self, try the best, and pray :D Figthing!!! I can do it ^^

Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Miss Her

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Miss my mom already :( bru shri tapi rsa'y udah lm bgt gmn 9 hr k dpn? Ya moga dikuatin aj deh ama yg diatas :D malang bgt si idup gue udah ditinggal diklat, ninggalin'y pke oleh" lg *read:adek gue yg brisik ama nakal'y pke bgt.
Aaah >.< ga tw mo nulis apaan lg *emang dasar'y ga bakat* intinya I miss my Mom :*

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

First Time

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Hi guys, salam kenal *bow :D this is my first time to become a blogger. Sbner'y gw udah pernah buat blog sblom ini, tpi berakhir dg mengenaskan T.T abis'y gw ga ngerti cr ng-blog, ya walopun skrg jg msh blom ngrti" bgt sih, tpi lmyan lah :) dan skrg mslah'y gw bingung mo nulis apaan @.@ nah lo, ribet kan jd gue. Ya udahlah, bodo amat. Ntar gw pkir" lg mo ngisi ni blog pke apaan pkok'y yg pnting gw ga mw ni blog berakhir sprt blog gw sblom'y :)Fighting \^^/

About Me

I am...

~ just someone who like dreaming and writing...
~ just someone who try to encourage my self...
~ just someone who trying to be better...
~just nothing in front of ALLAH...

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